Story Teller. Dream Chaser.
C. Penticoff has always considered herself a dreamer in a world with a million opportunities.
She recalls her dream of being an author starting at the ripe age of nine years old, when a published author visited her school and empowered her to reach for the stars. It was then she realized her ability to write a great story could be something that made her shine in a world full of bright lights.
C. Penticoff began writing her first full length novel when she was 12 years old, and finally published the new and improved story September of 2017.
C. Penticoff lives in the Pacific Northwest with her two sons and husband. They are in the process of building a tiny home for their family.
If you would like to receive a free fantasy book every Friday, she encourages you to subscribe to her mailing list.
To follow her weight loss and fitness journey, follow her on instagram.